Our Teachers

They don’t just teach, they build a strong rapport with your child, making sure your child walks out of class smiling and is always eager to come back for another lesson.

Our teachers create an empowering classroom experience that gets the students excited about learning. They always make the extra effort to help students feel confident and ready for exams and also the road ahead in life.

Tutor Profile Information

Mr Xavier Ng

Subjects Taught: Primary Sciences, Lower Secondary Science, Biology, Chemistry


Mr Xavier is the curriculum director with almost 20 years of experience teaching Primary and Secondary science. He believes in the benefits of experimental science in cultivating student's interest for science. There is also a strong emphasis on using proper answering techniques when tackling explanation questions in Science. Students in his class are expected to be participating actively during lessons with the use of questioning techniques for formative assessment of the student's mastery of the topic.

Ms Gayathri

Subjects Taught: Primary Mathematics, Lower Primary Science


Ms Gayathri has spent almost two decades as a tutor for primary school students. Naturally taking a motherly approach in conducting her classes, Gaya tends to form close bonds with her students, taking an invested interest in her students' welfare and performance. This strong rapport between teacher and student allows students to open up more easily and be more receptive to learning.

Mr Brandon Chia

Subjects Taught: Physics, E Maths, A Maths


Mr Brandon was an ASEAN scholar from Malaysia. He has been teaching Maths and Physics for the past 12 years and has helped numerous students to achieve A from a below C6 grade in a short 2 to 3 months. His teaching philosophy is practice makes perfect. Mr Brandon will first drill the students with the necessary concepts and help student build a strong foundation. Thereafter, he will guide and allow students to do various types of questions to be well-prepared for the exam.

A passionate and nurturing teacher, he has more than a decade of teaching experience, and believes in equipping his students with analytical skills that will be useful to them even beyond their years of formal education.

Ms Musfirah

Subjects Taught: Lower Secondary Maths, E Maths


Teacher Musfirah is strict, yet inspiring and easy-going. Her witty and humorous teaching style keeps her students engaged throughout her lessons. Teacher Musfirah is attentive to her students’ individual needs; she empowers all her students, designs customised notes and workbooks, and always ensures an inquisitive environment in class. They will attest to her detailed explanations, and her patience in answering their many questions.

Ms Lynn

Subjects Taught: Primary Mathematics, Heuristics Mathematics: Problem Solving Strategies


Ms Lynn is a dynamic and versatile teacher, she has two decades of teaching experience at government schools. Her clear explanations and amiable disposition make her an instant success with her pupils. Highly devoted to her role as a tutor, she always goes the extra mile for her students and hopes to share her joy of learning with as many students as possible by conducting her lessons in a creative and fun way.

Mr Lee Yu Feng

Subjects Taught: Chemistry, A Maths


Mr Lee is a passionate and engaging teacher. He has 12 years of teaching experience. He explains concepts in depth and ensures student has hands-on approach to learning by making them to present their work. He encourages critical thinking in the classroom and always fosters a positive and supportive classroom environment that promotes academic and personal growth.

What differentiates our teachers?

Hiring the best educators

Hundreds of applications were received and applicants will undergo a vigorous 3 stage interview process consisting of impromptu exams, presentation skills, etc. We only hire those with passion, talent and knowledge to make a difference in your child’s education.

Constant Learning

Our teachers have undergo minimally 100 hours of in-house training provided by our curriculum director that ensures that they are experts in the subject they are teaching. They learn about our proven teaching strategies, MOE exams guidelines, lesson planning, etc.

Quality Assurance

Biweekly meetings are held among our teachers to discuss on the upcoming week’s curriculum. The teachers will brainstorm and discuss on delivering the curriculum aptly and ways to keep students engaged and maximise learning each lesson. Teachers will also work with the curriculum teams to make any improvements to the material to ensure a wholesome classroom experience.