O level Online Course

The Covid-19 lockdown earlier this year might have unexpectedly derailed your child’s education; but here at Pinnacle Education, we understand your concern as a parent – you may be worried that your children are unable to grasp concepts and topics that were subsequently rushed through. Fret not as that is precisely what this 6-weeks online bootcamp is for: to strengthen and solidify your children’s concepts in topics which years of experience have shown are especially demanding in A-Math, E-Math and Chemistry.

What do you get?

  • Exclusive in-house study materials and practices.
  • Lesson recordings for you to easily re-watch classes post-bootcamp.
  • Free consultation with our tutor for one month post-bootcamp.

Who should join?

Year 2021 O-Level students

How much are the fees?

Worth S$600, Pinnacle Education Hub is offering this course at only S$300!



Course Details:

Module 1: Chemical Bonding and Atomic Structure
Module 2: Mole Concept
Module 3: Redox and Periodic Table
Module 4: Metals
Module 5: Acids, Bases and Salts
Module 6: Qualitative Analysis

When and where will lessons be held?

Every Monday, 7 – 8.30pm
16th Nov – 21st Dec
At the comfort of your home via Zoom videocall



Course Details:

Module 1: Indices & Standard Form, Linear Inequalities
Module 2: Trigonometry
Module 3: Mensuration of Solids
Module 4: Congruence & Similarity, Area & Volume
Module 5: Circles
Module 6: Probability

When and where will lessons be held?

Every Thursday, 7.30 – 9pm
12th Nov – 17th Dec
At the comfort of your home via Zoom videocall



Course Details:

Module 1: Quadratic Equation, Inequalities, Indices, Surds
Module 2: Binomial Theorem
Module 3: Coordinate Geometry
Module 4: Trigonometry I
Module 5: Trigonometry II
Module 6: Differentiation

When and where will lessons be held?

Every Saturday, 10 – 11.30am
14th Nov – 19th Dec
At the comfort of your home via Zoom videocall